
Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Our Avondale clinic provides integrative healthcare where the patient is the focus

“Every Inch of My Body Is Covered With Hair!”

…bellows Gaston, antihero of Beauty and the Beast, as he boasts about his extreme manliness. His braggadocio is rooted in the stereotype of manly appearance: muscles, a chiseled jawline, and – obviously – body hair. Gaston is, clearly, the consummate male specimen. Good thing he’s animated and a caricature. It alleviates the pressure on we mere mortals to rival the matchless manliness exuded by this movie villain.

In the real world, masculine attributes ebb and flow with time. Male hormones, at their peak during our adolescence and young adulthood, begin to decrease as we age.

Balding and More

A decrease in testosterone, the male sex hormone secreted by the body that creates masculine attributes, is extremely common as we age. Some symptoms of decreased testosterone include:

  • Loss of lean body mass
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of libido
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Hair loss

Low T, or low testosterone, affects millions of men – as many as 13.8 million men ages 45 and older in the US. You are not alone in your experience.

Treatment for Low Testosterone

There is very effective treatment available for low T! The treatment, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, or TRT, is very effective in managing the symptoms of low testosterone. There are a variety of ways to administer TRT:

  • Topical, which includes creams, gels, and patches
  • Oral (taken by mouth)
  • Hormone replacement pellets (a pellet is placed under the skin via a small incision)
  • Injection (a shot)
  •  Intranasal (a gel-like substance is administered through the nostrils)

For those in the Avondale, AZ area, treatment is available at CrispAZWellness.  The first step is, of course, to diagnose low T. This diagnostic process occurs through both a clinical examination and various blood tests. CrispAZWellness has one of the most comprehensive TRT programs. Our clinicians offer a thorough evaluation and the development of an individualized TRT replacement.

The method of TRT treatment is something you can discuss with your practitioner. Some options, like intranasal and oral TRT, are taken two or three times daily. Injections are usually taken weekly, bimonthly, or monthly, while pellets are replaced every three to six months. Your CrispAZWellness practitioner can collaborate with you to discuss your lifestyle and determine the most effective treatment plan for you.

The CrispAZWellness Difference

CrispAZWellness, provides integrative and functional medical care. Our practitioner, Vianka Cesena, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner who specializes in traditional medical and alternative medicine practices to help you facilitate your best health, so you’re getting the best of both worlds. Megan’s diverse background enables her to look at you holistically – body, mind, and spirit – to determine the root cause of your imbalance(s) and create an individualized treatment plan for you. Megan is committed to providing personalized health care that optimizes health outcomes for her patients. Please call 623-850-8264 to make an appointment that will help you regain the testosterone you’ve lost.

Disclaimer: The information contained here was not written by a medical doctor and is intended for informational purposes only. This is not a substitute for medical advice.

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Image of man experiencing hair loss