
What Causes Low Testosterone?

Our Avondale clinic provides integrative healthcare where the patient is the focus

Oh, to be Young

In the words attributed to playwright George Bernard Shaw,” Youth is wasted on the young.” As we’ve gotten older, how many of us have felt the same way? Our aches have pains and our pains have aches. We don’t have the same vim, vigor, or get-up-and-go that we did when we were too young to appreciate it. We attribute it solely to aging, but some of those unexpected changes can be attributable to hormonal fluctuations, too. Changes in the hormones that relate to gender/sexual function are a reality that leave us longing for the days of yore.

Gender-Related Hormones

Most of us know that estrogen and progesterone are related to female sex characteristics while testosterone is related to male sex characteristics. Information about menopause is available for women who seek it out from their doctors, friends, or other sources. Men are less likely to seek out information about changes in testosterone levels, though, because they feel embarrassed or stigmatized by doing so. They shouldn’t. Low testosterone is extremely common and has a variety of causes.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone has a myriad of symptoms:

  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of lean muscle mass
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue and/or low energy

Causes of Low Testosterone

These symptoms, or any combination of them, are extremely common among men. They are not your fault, nor are they unique to you. Low “t” is less common in younger men, but it becomes far more common as men age. Looking at men of all ages, it is estimated that approximately 2.1% of men have low testosterone. Age is a significant cause of decreasing testosterone levels, however, affecting about 50% of men 80 years and older. In addition to aging, there are numerous other possible causes of low testosterone:

  • Injury to the testicles
  • Testicular infection
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid imbalance
  • Other chronic illness
  • Alcoholism
  • Chronic stress/high stress
  • Some medications

The causes of low testosterone are as varied as the men experiencing it, making it crucial to discover the root cause before making a treatment plan.

Treating Low “T”

Low testosterone has a wide array of causes, so an accurate diagnosis of the “why” of it is just as important as the treatment protocol prescribed for it. CrispAZWellness in Avondale, AZ, provides a holistic approach to treating low testosterone using the best of both traditional and integrative medicine to get to the root, or the “why”, of your low t. Vianka Cesena, practitioner at CrispAZWellness, is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner. She is trained in, and uses, both traditional and integrative medicine in caring for her patients.

After a thorough examination and comprehensive testing, Megan will work with you to determine what course of action is most beneficial to balancing your testosterone level and creating a more fulfilling life. Rose Canyon Wellness provides one of the most comprehensive testosterone replacement therapies in the country, which can help you regain some of your lost vitality.

Call our office at 623-850-8264 to make an appointment today so you can regain your youth and appreciate it, too. 

Disclaimer: The information contained here was not written by a medical doctor and is intended for informational purposes only. This is not a substitute for medical advice.

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